Monday, March 5, 2012

Noda Sidesteps Brewing Controversy With China

This year Japan and China hit the 40 the anniversary of normalization of relations between them. However, recently, the mayor of Nagoya made a comment about 1937 "rape of Nanjing" by Japanese soldiers doubting its occurrence. The comments sparked a widespread foror in China, and Nanjing suspended its sister-city ties with Nagoya in posted. Prime Minister said "This is a matter that should be properly resolved between the city of Nagoya and the city of Nanjing, and I very much hope the matter will be resolved as early as possible" when a reporter asked him how he felt about the mayor's comment.
I know that this kind of problems exists all over the world between many countries, and I believe that they are very hard political issues to overcome. They are shown even in the Book of Mormon.

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