Though this article is not specifically business related, I think it shows a very interesting facet into the Taiwanese culture. A humanitarian group from Taiwan called Formosa Budding Hope Association has given medical and educational assistance to thousands of people in Cambodia. Hsu Yu-Pi has been offering free dental services there since 2006 and more recently the group opened an official branch in Cambodia.
The article states that "since the NGO's establishment, it has carried out 10 medical missions in 25 remote villages in Siem Reap Province in northern Cambodia, offering free medical services to some 15, 000 people."
I think it is wonderful to see such a great example of compassion and service toward others. It speaks volumes about a person when they are willing to impart so much of their time and money to help those who are in need.
Katie Robinson
I love this story. When I lived in Taiwan, one of the biggest things that impressed me was the willingness of the people to serve. It really is cultural, and in many ways religious, for the Taiwanese people to really take care of others. Thanks for the article!