Monday, March 26, 2012

On the Menu in Taiwan? U.S. Beef with a Dash of Ractopamine

March 7, 2012
In this article it talks about meat in the US and Taiwan.  The beef in the US has ractopamine in it.  Taiwan has a policy against chemical that harm people.  The US states that ractopamine is not harmful for humans.  Only for beef, the government says there will be a partial ban. The views of this subject is interesting.
McKenzie Carpenter


  1. So are there any studies showing ractopamine is dangerous? I wonder if beef is a delicacy in Taiwan if it has to be imported from the US; the price after import must be high.

  2. I actually remember there was a time on my mission where a few Taiwanese complained to me about having to import meat from the US. They felt like we (the US) bullied them into importing it.
