Friday, March 2, 2012

Have you ever wanted a mute button for people?

Well done, Japan!  Millions of parents can now have lower stress levels by having their own personal mute button for their kids.  I really can't do this article justice, you just have to read it.  Basically, Japan has invented a device that can silence people in a non-violent way.  I think this is noteworthy, among other reason, because (a) I literally laughed while reading it and (b) it demonstrates Japan's reputation for being on the cutting edge of technology.  I hope this gives you a good laugh...
Jeff Carroll


  1. This put a smile on my face. I've always loved being in the Japan that I've come to know in one way as the land of gadgets. They have something useful for almost everything.

  2. This is awesome. Leave it to Japan to create a high-tech, seemingly useless device. That is not a criticism, but rather an observation (I'm sure I'll want one too when I become a parent). When I lived in Japan I was always fascinated by the technology they did--and did not--have. For example, for every high-tech gizmo that may never see the light of day outside the country, I found myself wondering, "Why do we have this, but are still using gas heaters to heat our apartments?"

  3. This article is hilarious! I laughed at the thought of being able to silence chatterboxes in libraries and during public speeches! As convenient as this device may be at times, I do wonder whether such a device would be more hurtful than good. What about freedom of speech?

  4. I found it amusing that the article emphasized that the gadget "painlessly forces people into silence." It's good to know that this device wouldn't hurt those people that insist on talking through lectures.
