Basically, this was an ad in the Asia version of the WSJ. They are having some big dodgeball thing on St. Patty's Day and apparently drinks are on the house for an hour (I wouldn't recommend the drinks, but the dodgeball sounds so fun!).
Yes, this is random. Why did I include it? Well, I would say that it is a display of Asians adopting American culture, but was dodgeball really 'invented' in America? I wasn't sure. (So I found a wiki article about the history of dodgeball that is definitely false, but an entertaining read if you get bored....see below for link).
Really, though, I thought this article was cool because it showed how even though we live on opposite sides of the planet, our cultures are really rooted in a lot of the same fundamentals of games, team-sports, fun, etc.
Jeff Carroll
p.s. Below is a link to a dated, but really cool video about macro/technology trends, etc. My favorite line: "there are more honors students in India than there are total students in America."
Cool dodge ball story and link. You will notice that as we go to Asia, they have their type of special moral/camaraderie and oneness in them. Mix this with competitive sports and you have a really special thing. As we have seen in the Olympics and International games, this "Pride" is one thing that really defines these Asian Countries and shows their determination to succeed in sports, business, and life.