Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tablets for Children in Taiwan

The government of Taiwan has just decided to sign off on the first graders of Taiwan getting tablets as a signature part of their education. After many bids, they found a company in Shenzhen who will produce the tablets for about 81 US dollars. The tablets will be distributed this year to the students who will be able to take the devices home for study and even keep them after 3 years of use. The department of education believes this will give an edge to their students.

Posted by Lauren Neeleman
Found March 7th


  1. This is a sweet new development for Taiwan. It comes as no surprise to me that the government would provide these tablets as a means to get an edge on the competition. The children are pressured from a very young age to perform well in school.

  2. Come on United States....let's try to keep up! I just finished Steve Jobs biography and one of the interesting things he was working towards before his death was an overhaul of public education. His vision was for every student to have interactive I-Pads (partly to preserve their backs from books in backpacks) where they could watch lectures (like Norm Nemrow's accounting DVD's) and then come to class to have more dialogue and synthesizing of information. Today Apple announced the I-Pad 3 and that there was "much more innovation" on the way this year. Curious to see what's coming...

  3. That is very interesting that they government is paying for these tablets. It definitely show what an emphasizes they put on the importance of education.

  4. Wow!! and why don't we have this?! that would be awesome if we could do that!
