This article is about the five factors that are hurting Japanese business and Japans economy. It talks about Elpida memory, the third largest pc-memory maker in the world, going bankrupt due to scandal. Other factors that have affected Japanese businesses include:
competitiveness-Japan's global share of exports has fallen to 7.6%
exports-according to the article " Electronics is no longer a big contributor to Japanese trade. The
country’s trade surplus in electronics fell from 6.9 trillion yen ($83.6
billion) in 2000 to 1.2 trillion yen in 2011, an 82 percent drop."
semiconductors-Japan's share in the global chip industry has dropped by 50%
massive losse-these losses are mostly in the electronics industry
hollowing out-over 1/3 of Japan's electronic production is done overseas.
I feel like these are serious issues and Japan needs to take action to keep their businesses successful and to keep their economy growing. At least they have recognized their problems and can now focus on possible solutions.
Weston Wells
Wow! I always think of Japan as such a high-tech place with the best and most advanced electronic gadgets. I can see how a couple blows to this market would really hit Japan hard. I am sure that once they fix the problems in this market they will be back at the top.