Monday, March 12, 2012

China to Continue Helping Cambodia with Infrastructure

Recently, China has been assisting Cambodia in strengthening its infrastructure, which was in desperate need of improvement in order to raise the living standard of the Cambodian people and promote regional economic development. Lately, the Cambodian government has given high priority to infrastructure construction, including road, irrigation, and electricity facilities. The 57th national road was just completed within Cambodia. This will greatly improve trade by making rice, fruit, and farm products more readily accessible to neighboring countries such as China. It will also enhance communication and reduce transportation costs.

Not knowing very much about Cambodia and never having visited a country with such a weak infrastructure, I found the article very interesting. It provides useful information about the country, and indirectly about businesses within the country as well.  Since a business cannot properly function without a decent infrastructure, including roads and transportation, electricity, and communication channels it is no wonder that Cambodia struggles economically.

Published: 12 March, 2012

1 comment:

  1. I think it is awesome that China is helping Cambodia develop their infrastructure. I think it is really important for developed countries to assist developing countries any way that they can.
