This article talks about poor Cambodian Farmers, smuggling
valuable rosewood out of the country, and even stealing it from Thai forests.
The demand for the precious wood in China, is making people do things that they
normally wouldn’t have done. For Cambodian loggers, that means having to push
farther into Thailand’s territory—risking capture, injury or death. I am not
particularly interested in Logging per-se, but learning about different
cultures, and what people are willing to do in order to make a living
fascinates me. They are good people, and not trying to justify any of it, they
are basically forced to do illegal things because they want to help provide for
their families. Of all of the countries we are going to visit, I believe that Cambodia
is one of the poorest. It will be interesting to learn about the culture, and
economic growth of Cambodia this spring. – Ben Rindlisbacher
Here is the link:
I think it will be very interesting to see what Cambodia is like. I am sure it is very different than anything we are used to. I agree that the people stealing from the Thai forests are doing it because really they have no other option to provide for their families.