Saturday, March 3, 2012

Asia Society Opens in Hong Kong:

            This article tells about an opening of a new exhibit in Hong Kong that has been planned for the past decade.  They compiled different art pieces ranging from the ancient to modern contemporary pieces to be shown in the exhibit.  The article itself was ok, but the point that I wanted to focus on was that these countries in Asia had skilled artisans with amazing talent and skill. In times of war, if the artwork wasn’t destroyed, it was taken to the other countries and sold in the private or public markets around the world.  It is some of the most beautiful artwork in the world, and its influence is now spread all over the globe.
The people’s cultures are directly shown in their art work. The opening exhibition is “Transforming Minds: Buddhism in Art,” a modest show tracing the religion’s past and present.  As you continue reading the article it mentions the influence of Buddha and the sculptures dedicated to religion throughout Asia. 
            Although, we will not be pillaging warlords I hope as we travel through Asia, we are able to take and learn from the life-styles and culture of these amazing people, through the artwork we see.

~Chet Matsuura

1 comment:

  1. I am excited to hear about the exhibit! I think it is wonderful that so much of the art was preserved, even through wartime. I feel that through art we can really come to appreciate the roots of cultures and religions other than our own.
