Monday, April 2, 2012

Sumo Wrestling Scandal - Uncovered Via Text Messaging

In Japan a routine Sumo Wrestling match took place, but a text message exchange between the two wrestlers the previous day suggests that the match was rigged — The text message sent from one wrestler to the other read as follows: “Please hit hard at the face-off, then go with the flow,” one of the wrestlers said. The other responded: “Understood,” “I’ll go with the flow and put up at least a little resistance.” This article was interesting to me because #1: Sumo Wrestling is an important cultural tradition in Japan, and #2: Sports scandals take place all over the world, not just in the U.S. I wonder if we would be able to see a Sumo Wrestling Match in Japan? Probably not, but it would be cool.

Ben Rindlisbacher


  1. I love that you wrote an article on Sumo wrestling because it's probably one of the most awesome sports EVER! Also disappointing that it's basically like professional wrestling and rigged.

  2. Very interesting. I thought about how insane the fact is that they feel like they have to fix the matches. It has been going on for a very long time. It was sad that it has been done for collusion, for a favor, hope for a favor in return if needed, and for money's sake over the years. It is also sad to hear how much the ancient sport and its fan base and participants are becoming much smaller.
    Ashleigh Hefner

  3. It's too bad that sports are being rigged all over the world. I feel like that is a growing problem after high school. Even in high school athletes are using steroids and other enhancement drugs. It takes away from playing for the love of the game.
