Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Top American food brands in China

In this article, we see that top food brands of America,Coca-cola and Yum! (Pizza Hut and KFC), and even real estate, are doing reallywell in China and some have considered that most of their success comes fromChina. But because they have success, doesn't mean that China’s economy wontslow down with potential of hurting itself. The real estate in China is expected to get worse but not asbad as America’s. But with China’s decreasing house market and causing effectsto its economy, we need to root for them because we might suffer a greatrecession if they go down. I think this way cool because it views China as moreof a friend which I think is important if things want to start working morepeaceful in the world.
Brandon Wise


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think sharing things between cultures is a good thing; creating an opportunity for people of one culture to get to know people of another culture.
